Saturday, April 3, 2010

During last year april, i remember that i was studying way hard for my O levels. And memories came back where i kept nagging about the fact that time was running out at that moment of the year.

Adding on to last april, i still remember how we hang out in school.. Hang out outside.. Last april, most of us thought that, we still could hang out together even though we might end up elsewhere..
But the very fact is that we are too cropped up by our own activities. I still remember even though most of us don't like that thing/food/activity, we would still go for it just to accompany the rest. But what now? Answers : "No." "Not free." "Eh that activity i dont like. Nvm la, i dont go.. you all enjoy". What about me now? Junzhi says "EAT PASTAMANIA." Ken replied " DONT WANT LA"
End up Jun zhi will always win with psyco-ing Ken with whatever jun zhi likes. However Ken still accompany. What about the rest.. Think about it.

Well, whether now if you are in any problems like emotionally/academically... you know, i always be here.
You know, when i posting, the tears just wouldn't stop. Hmm

Let's continue.. Recent events have made me pondering alot of thing when i was alone. And seriously, i was alone.. Wandering around.. One question has always came out of my mind when i was ALONE, WHERE ARE YOU GUYS? Where are you when i needed all my friends.. The very true fact is that yes we still meet at times.. But no one would be there when i need someone the most. Although i don't mention it out, just because i don't want to show out.. It feel terrible i swear. Walking out of home during midnight, and i know i couldn't call anyone. And i really meant walking out alone. Yes i am emotional, that's me...

Although i know that nothing's gonna change, i will still continue..

The future lies ahead is clear enough. Everyone will be busy with their stuff. That's fine. I have already decided to completely isolate __ because i dont want to be tied with __. Shall i isolate you too, to prevent memories to come back?

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